
Septilin is used to boost immunity and treat various types of infections like skin infections, urinary tract infections, and respiratory tract infections.

SKU: 301

Stock status: In stock
Batch Expiry Date: March 2027
Septilin 1 pc
2 bottles
save $0.00
$24.89 Per Pill
Septilin is beneficial in treating respiratory tract infections, including chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and chronic bronchitis. It acts as an immunity booster and helps maintain general well-being.

Adults must take two of these pills twice daily and children should not be given more than one pill, twice, on a daily basis or it should be taken as directed by your doctor.
As Septilin is herbal medicine, it shows no or minimal side effects. Some of the side effects that Septilin may show are weakness, high blood pressure, skin rashes.