

Evista comes in oral selective estrogen receptor modulator category(serm) and it is used in the therapy of conditions like osteoporosis that commences in post menopause in women.

SKU: 223

Stock status: In stock
Batch Expiry Date: March 2027
Evista 60 mg
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Drug Uses

Evista is medicine for osteoporosis which mainly appears after menopause in women and it must be taken along with a diet rich in calcium and other sources of Vitamin D.


Take the medicine after a meal to avoid stomach upset. Strictly follow the directions of your doctor.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Evista comes under an oral selective estrogen receptor modulator (serm).

Missed Dose

Never miss a dose. If you have missed any, makeup within the time frame after that skip the dose and continue with the following dose as usual. There should be 4 to 5 hours gap between two doses.


Evista should be stored at room temperature without exposure to harsh heat, light, or dampness. Also, make sure to keep safe without the reach of children and pets.


An overdose of Evista may have unfavorable effects that demand prompt medical attention.
Doctors do not recommend the usage of Evista if you have an allergy to any ingredient in it or if you have health issues like an active or past history of blood clots. 
Inform your past or new medical details to your doctor along with the list of medicines you intake currently.
You will be monitored by the doctor to check your body's response. Tests will be recommended. You should ask and take special care if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding.