
Lukol is used to treat diseases like non-specific leucorrhoea; malaise and backache linked with leucorrhoea; pelvic inflammatory disease.

SKU: 244

Stock status: In stock
Batch Expiry Date: March 2027
Lukol 1 pc
2 bottles
save $0.00
$21.92 Per Pill
Drug Uses

Lukol is effective in treating non-specific leucorrhea; malaise and backache associated with leucorrhea; pelvic inflammatory disease.


Follow the prescribed instructions of your doctor. Read the label for more details.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Lukol is an indigenous formulation tablet.

Missed Dose

A dose you forgot to consume should be taken soon only if you have 4 to 5 hours left.


Store in room temperature away from sharp light, heat, and dampness. Medicines should be stored away from the reach of children and pets.

Doctors caution upon the usage of Lukol if you are allergic to any component in it or if you have diseases like hypertension.

If you are anticipating a child or are preparing to have a child shortly, or breastfeeding then discuss your doctor before using Lukol to check any possible threats to the expected baby.